

Hi, I’m Hitalo Cesar and I am glad you’re here :)


Welcome to my personal website, a place to learn a bit about me and explore my study notes, tutorials, and other random topics that have sparked my interest. I love developing, testing and understanding new ideas, but unfortunately, time constraints often limit my ability to document them, even though I would love to do so. This website is my attempt to share and record those thoughts more regularly, as well as to introduce myself and make new friends. So, please, feel free to reach out and connect.

I am from Araxa, a small town in the state of Minas Gerais in Brazil but currently I live in Campinas-SP. I have bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering by UNICAMP and am currently an Android framework software engineer at Motorola. In the professional/educational side, I am interested in many different topics such as algorithms, nature-inspired algorithms, computer theory, mathematics, Android operating system, application development, software engineering and others. I am always willing to learn new things.

Out of the professional/eduational side, I also love sports(specially martial arts and chess), music and musical instruments(specially the string ones); detail: for both things(sports and music) I’m merely an admirer with very limited skills hehehe. I also appreciate to have conversations about random subjects like philosophy, astronomy, physics and things like that.

Professional Experiences

  • Software engineer at Motorola - intern and full-time
    • 2021 - Now
    • Implement customizations within the Android operating system,placing a specific focus on the framework, SystemUI, internal privileged/system components and security applications, serving a worldwide user base of millions
    • Solve various kinds of bugs, including UX and performance issues, leading to an enhanced user experience for a global audience.
    • Contribute to the conception, prototyping, and implementation of exclusive features for premium segment devices, particularly foldable ones.
    • Explore Android Open Source Project(AOSP) architecture and its operational aspects, including building, code search, and related procedures
    • Develop software solutions while maintaining open lines of communication with customer experience and testing teams, consistently advocating for the best possible user experience within the technical constraints.
  • Academic cooperation in nature-inspired algorithms at UNIGOU/Brno University in Czech Republic(remote) - academic
    • 2023
    • Employed Python to develop an educational interface aimed at aiding people comprehending Particle Swarm Optimization(PSO) and its application in solving optimization problems, especially the Traveling Salesperson Problem(TSP).
    • Study PSO to comprehend the consequences of parameter variations and investigate methods for crafting customized adaptations of the PSO algorithm to solve the TSP.
    • Perform literature review to gain a comprehensive understanding of key nature-inspired optimization algorithms, such as PSO, Genetic Algorithm(GA), Ant Colony Optimization(ACO), among others.
  • Scientific initiation in mathematics at UNICAMP - academic
    • 2019 - 2021
    • I was one of the authors of a research paper titled: “Estudo analítico e computacional de uma equação diferencial estocástica associada a um modelo de crescimento populacional” published in a national magazine. In the paper stochastic calculus is applied to model and simulate population growth. Download the article here.
    • Applied Python and computer skills to simulate and validate theoretical stochastic calculus concepts.
    • Engaged in theoretical studies related to stochastic calculus topics and mathematical concepts related to this field.
  • Biomedical Engineering Technician internship at CEB - intern
    • 2019 - 2020
    • Developed a low cost cardiac monitor using ESP32 and a touch screen display.
    • Understand the principles of biomedical engineering
    • Observed interdisciplinary engineering professionals performing maintenance on biomedical devices.
  • Internships at UNICAMP - intern
    • 2018 - 2021
    • Dveloped activities in different fields, those activities are related to jobs created by UNICAMP to help students in vulnerable financial situation to keep the college.
    • Tested and contributed to the enhancement of tractography methodologies using software developed by an UNICAMP research group.
    • Collaborated with a mathematics professor in the development of class notes for a Calculus 1 course.


  • Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Engineering, Graduated with Distinction
    • State University of Campinas - UNICAMP, Campinas-SP
    • Conclusion: 2023
  • Technical Course in Electronics
    • CEFET, Araxá-MG
    • Conclusion: 2017

Download Resume pdf


Let’s Connect!

If you read until here, thanks so much for the attention and congratulations… you are so persevering hehehe

I am always excited to connect with fellow people, share ideas, and discuss about many topics. So if you want to talk about computers, maths, sports, music or any other topic, feel free to reach out to me through Email, LinkedIn or Instagram.